Janine Wilson

Chartered Financial Planner

Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Janine Wilson, Warrington

During business hours

Janine has been providing advice for more than 33 years and mainly looks after clients in the South Lakes, Cumbria, the Fylde Coast, Cheshire and Preston areas. While she has an understanding of all areas of financial planning, she mainly works with solicitors to advise clients in relation to trust planning and following the death of a partner, and providing their clients with a holistic approach to financial planning.

To enhance her relationships with solicitor connections, Janine has attained the STEP Certificate for Financial Services, Trusts and Estate Planning and has become a STEP Affiliate.

Out of office hours

Janine is married to Paul and they have two Miniature Schnauzers, Dougie and Stanley, who they love walking with and spending holidays up and down the country exploring the areas. Janine’s other interests include Pilates, keeping fit, open water swimming, cooking and baking.