David Clewlow

Director and Financial Planner

During business hours

With more than 21 years of experience as a financial adviser, David advises high net worth clients on various aspects of wealth management, including investments, pensions, and Inheritance Tax planning.

As one of our directors and owners, David is responsible for running and growing the business alongside Paul Rowling and Simon Hardstaff.

Out of office hours

David is married to Sue and they have two sons, George and Will. He finds real joy in spending time with his family, especially when he’s cheering on his sons from the sidelines as they play football, rugby, or hockey.

Aside from family time, he enjoys indulging in good food and wine, with Sue standing out as the best chef he knows! When he gets a spare afternoon or evening to himself, he plays football and hockey, and when pressured to do so, visits the gym.